
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7. Poinsettias

Good evening everybody! Today, I am doing a post on the 7th mani of the 12 Days Of Christmas Manis challenge which is poinsettias. The first time I heard about poinsettias was China Glaze Poinsettia from the Lei It Snow, Holiday 2011 collection. I only realised what poinsettias are when I googled them for my mani. I feel so silly now. *laughs at myself* They are usually red in colour but are also available in white, yellow, pink and in colour combinations. The "marbled" type is one of the most fascinating. They are mainly used as holiday decorations and gifts during Christmas. Poinsettias are not very popular in Singapore. Are they popular in your country?

The base used here is Make Up Store Greta. Greta is by far the most holo of holos I had ever seen! I did not manage to take pictures in direct sunlight as it had been raining since I came back from China. I will try to update nice holo pictures on Greta next time. The colours used for the designs are Orly Mandalay Ruby, Lemonade, L.A. Girl Turntable, China Glaze Life Preserver and Meteor Shower.

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